As a part of our preparations for the launch of the Social Media Monitor project in partnership with the International Democracy Reporting Organization (DRI)

ضمن تحضيرات مركز الحياة-راصد لإطلاق مرصد منصات التواصل_الاجتماعي، وذلك ضمن مشروع راصد سوشال ميديا بالتعاون مع المنظمة الدولية للتقرير عن الديمقراطية DRI .

As a part of our preparations for the launch of the Social Media Monitor project in partnership with the International Democracy Reporting Organization (DRI), Al-Hayat Center recently held a training session entitled "Mechanisms for Monitoring Hate Speech and Misinformation and its Impact." The session brought together a diverse group of young women and men from all governorates of the Kingdom to learn about communication strategies and how to effectively monitor hate speech and misinformation on social media.